Speaker Biography

Nancy Labib

Founder & leader of Mental Health team

Title: Post divorce effect on Children & Parents in Egypt


Two and a half years ago ,was the beginning of Integrative psychiatry clinic our working place ,with an eminent team …………

We started by agreeing on team working with a plan to provide a new mental health service to our community . It’s about working through family dynamics and family members, to elaborate , we started classifying the files we have , that is where we discovered that the post divorce children created 40 % of our work .

We designed a program of our own , one individual session for each parent (whether face to face or online ) , to learn about the parents dynamic .

Although working with children ( coming from divorced families ) was challenging ,we started achieving results with them ,gaining trust of parents

,through our results, combined with connection as team members (sharing mutual updates in documents & peer discussion to reach best results ) .

Parents in co-parenting , started engaging themselves in personal therapy & development ,then in couple counselling eventually finding the right partner (which was in some cases the old partner after a self-discovery journey ).https://psychiatricnursing.pulsusconference.com/scientific-program


Has her passion in the science of psychiatry &psychotherapy, started June 2006 , when she started working as a resident of Neuropsychiatry in MUST university , to acquiring Masters degree from AinShams university in Egypt. Then learning psychotherapy at Malachite institute. To Diplome of group therapy from EAGT . Leading mental health team at Revive medical center from 2015-2017 , Voluntering as a psychiatrist at PHASE NGO , Samu-social . Then founding her own medical centre, Integrative psychiatry clinic, leading the mental health team.