Speaker Biography

Katerine Salazar Gonzalez

Coach and Psychologist

Title: Motivation and its limits in Coaching sessions and / or Psychological orientation: How are they perceived and how can we recognize them and keep moving forwards


Katerine Salazar Gonzalez is a Coach and Psychologist, born in Colombia, who studied in Paris and now lives in Berlin. She is dedicated to help expats in their integration journey. She believes in using a range of techniques tuned to the needs of the individual. 


Motivation is an essential fuel for our clients development. We understand it as a set of innate psychological needs and as the desire to achieve a goal. But how far can it go? The modern world promote an always-motivated lifestyle, with mantras like “Today’s accomplishments were yesterday’s impossibilities (Robert H. Schuller)" or "Fake it until you make it! (Brian Tracy)". This often backfires to guilt and confusion when the incapacity to "stay motivated" shows up. A crucial skill is to recognize what lies behind this "lack of motivation". Were we too harsh on ourselves and too unrealistic? Should we keep going? Or were we chasing the wrong goal, not aligned with our deepest needs.