Speaker Biography

Eunju Song

South Korea

Title: Factors associated with Empathy of Schizophrenia patients in Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery


Dr. Song has her expertise in improving the psychiatric mental health for schizophrenia. She is associate professor of psychiatric mental health nursing, the dean of nursing department in Wonkwang Universityt, and have been working many researches for psychiatric patients. Especially, she interest in schizophrenia and alcohol abuse disorders. This research was supported by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Korea government (No. 2018R1D1A1B07043235).



Many schizophrenia patients have been participating social skill training or psychiatric rehabilitation program for improvement of communication ability. In particular, empathy is the most important of communication ability which is to understand the thoughts and feelings of others, it is essential of their life, and must depends for successful social interaction. Thus, this study investigated the motivation-pleasure, and social anhedonia of schizophrenia patients in psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the empathy of schizophrenia patients in psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery. Methodology: This study had a descriptive design, using a cross-sectional survey to assess the empathy, social anhedonia, and motivation-pleasure level of patients with schizophrenia during psychiatric rehabilitation or recovery. 118 Participants were patients with schizophrenia who were admitted 5 mental health rehabilitation centers located in 2 provinces of South Korea. The data collection period was November in 2018. In order to measure empathy of the schizophrenia patients in this study, the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) used self-reported scales. In addition to the Motivation and Pleasure Scale-Self-Report (MAP-SR) and social anhedonia scale used to measure the effect on empathy. Findings: The results of this study showed a high correlation between empathy, motivation-pleasure, and social anhedonia. The variables affecting empathy were age, motivation-pleasure, social anhedonia, and the explanatory power of the variables was 32.6%. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the empathy-enhancing program will be more effective at the early stage of disease and at the younger age in order to help schizophrenia to succeed in vocational rehabilitation. In addition, many patients in the recovery period need of communication education, so it is necessary to develop an intervention program.