Suresh K Sharma
Title: A Critical Evaluation of clinical practice: Role of Tele Psychiatry and Tele Psychiatry Nursing
Suresh k Sharma is a mental health professional who has completed his master of Psychiatric Nursing and submitted PhD thesis draft. He had served for the Government of Maharashtra institute of mental health, A center of psychiatry excellence of Maharashtra state as assistant professor. Presently he is working as Medical/ Nursing Informatics Researcher at Department of Medical Informatics, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), A Scientific research Society of Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India. His Job profile includes Providing implementation support in using and mapping clinical terminology (SNOMED CT) and coding systems (WHO FIC, LOINC, Etc.) in healthcare applications, training on health informatics standard for Doctors, Nurses and Paramedical health professionals across the country and providing domain/ clinical inputs to the software development team. He has been resource person and scientific paper presenter in various international and national conferences. He has published more than 10 research paper in Souvenir Proceeding, international and National index and no-index Journals.
Statement of the Problem: The true prevalence of mental health disorders globally remains poorly understood. Diagnosis statistics alone would not bring us closure to the true figure as mental health is typically underreported and under-diagnosed. As a consequence, the gap between the need for the treatment and its provision is in wide angle all over the world. Financial lower and middle-income countries 76% to 85% people and higher income countries 35% to 50% of people suffering with mental disorder because there is no any treatment available for them. Despite with higher prevalence and potentially disabling consequences, inadequate treatment of mental disorders is rife. Unavailability of accessible and affordable mental health-care is a major hindrance to obtain the treatment. Moreover, Traditional treatment resources are not distributed uniformly; as a result, rural and geographically isolated areas remain largely underserved. Therefore, need to adopt the alternatives traditional modes for the usages of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for delivering deserved mental health care. In accordance of this, it necessary to update the role of Telemedicine technology in Psychiatry and psychiatry Nursing, which enables distant practitioners to recommend treatment of easy to difficult to rare cases all over the country. Technological modalities which are not only limited to voice, video, robotic, and remote-access technology, that are also include in the uses of telemedicine. It helps to diagnose and treat individuals and allows patients and physicians to interact via teleconferencing software, Internet connections, or even telecalling.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: a systematic review for implementation of telepsychiatry and tele psychiatric Nursing by adoption of the standardized approach to enable interoperability and data analysis in a view to follow medicolegal aspects in mental health fraternity.
Findings: There is no any doubt telepsychiatry facilitates effective service-provision in a large number of areas, where to access to higher quality services are difficult. Consequently, it promotes an equal access, a sense of empowerment, and higher levels of satisfaction among patients and Mental Health Professionals. Till the date the evidence is highly suggestive this is equally one to one and face-to-face care with several aspects which are effectively considered traditionally.
Conclusion & Significance: although adoption of telepsychiatry is mental health fraternity will be potentially it will be helpful to grow exponentially, but technology has some limitations, too. This is the right time to show Concern about patient safety, privacy, security, reimbursement, licensure, and interoperability which have been identified where the present current challenges which mental health care providers are using for the telepsychiatry. It’s a must to overcome in order to provide the most effective patient care. As many insurance companies start to reimburse for telepsychiatry treatments at the same rate as for one to one and face-to-face visits.